Frequently Asked Questions on ODOMOS


How is Odomos to be used and how is it better than other mosquito protection products and creams?

To get full protection from mosquitoes, apply Odomos Mosquito Repellent on the exposed parts of the skin.

In what all formats is Odomos available and do they all help in avoiding mosquito bites?

Odomos is available in 7 formats - ointment, lotion, mosquito spray , gel, wristband and roll on.

Is Odomos safe for kids and is it more effective than natural mosquito protection?

Odomos is certified by NIMA & Indian Institute of Toxicology and is perfectly safe for the whole family and also kids.

How long the effect lasts once Odomos is applied and does it ensure 99.9% mosquito eradication?

The effective duration of Odomos is for 8 hours.

Where can I get Odomos and is it easily available?

Odomos is available in all the leading chemist & general stores.

Is Odomos effective both inside & outside the house and is the 12 hour claim true?

Yes once applied, Odomos gives you protection both inside and outside the house from mosquitoes.

In what all variants is Odomos available besides cream and gel?

Odomos is available in 3 variants - Vitamin E, Naturals and Rose

How can one prevent outdoor places from becoming breeding grounds for mosquitoes, and how can one avoid mosquitoes naturally?

Places that allow water to stagnate can be a breeding hub for mosquitoes. These may include the following:Water tanks with no or damaged anti-mosquito screens,Roofs of premises, link ways and bus-shelters,Gardens,Any other places indoors or outdoors where water can stagnate.The easiest and most effective way of preventing mosquito breeding is to ensure there is no water stagnation in the surrounding areas. This requires regular inspection and timely mending of faults.Even if you cannot stop water stagnation outside, safeguard your house by installing anti-mosquito screens on the doors and windows.

What is the scope of children getting exposed to mosquito bites? What can I do to prevent this?

Any toys or playground structures left in the open during rains can become a possible source of mosquito breeding, along with open potholes, pots, etc. To prevent this, as far as possible, do away with playground structures that may collect rain water. Also, check regularly to ensure that there is no stagnant water in the vicinity.

Can there be a routine followed to check for mosquito breeding and mosquito eradication?



  • Discarded receptacles in open areas and under bushes
  • Open and closed drains
  • Gully traps
  • Ground puddles
  • Tree holes and bifurcation between branches, and leaf of banana trees, travellers Palms and other palm trees
  • Outdoor hanging and standing bins
  • Bin centre (pay attention to perimeter drains, gully traps, discarded articles and stored bulk bins inside, above and around the bin centre)
  • All scupper drains including those in common corridors and void decks, perimeter drains and sumps of basement or multi-storey car parks
  • Lightning conductor pits, valve chambers, water stop-cock pits, manhole inspection covers
  • Ponds and fountains
  • Air-conditioner trays
  • Any other water-bearing receptacles


Check roof drainage and gutters of condominium buildings, bin centre, walkways and other buildings or structures having roof drainage.

Apply sand granular insecticide to gully traps, manhole cover handle depressions, lightning conductor pits, stop-cock pits, valve chambers and sumps.

What is Dengue fever and what type of mosquitoes cause it?

In the terminology of epidemiology, vectors are organisms that transmit infections from one host to another. Vector borne diseases are diseases that result from infection transmitted to humans and other animals by blood-feeding anthropods, such as mosquitoes, ticks, and fleas. Examples of vector-borne diseases include Dengue fever, viral encephalitis, Lyme disease, and malaria.

  • Every year there are over 250 Million new cases and over 1 million deaths worldwide due to malaria; over 15,000 deaths are reported from India alone.
  • Dengue affects 50-100 million people annually worldwide, with 500 000 developing the most severe form of dengue hemorrhagic fever and accounts for 22000 deaths annually.
  • Five countries (India, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea) account for nerly 93% mortality due to malaria in the Asia Pacific region. Of which India alone accounts for nearly 38% deaths.

What is Malaria and how do mosquitoes cause it?

WHO explains Malaria as:

  • Malaria is a vector borne disease caused by a parasite called Plasmodium, which is transmitted via the bites of infected mosquitoes. In the human body, the parasites multiply in the liver, and then infect red blood cells."
  • Symptoms of malaria include fever, headache, and vomiting, and usually appear between 10 and 15 days after the mosquito bite.
  • If not treated, malaria can quickly become life-threatening by disrupting the blood supply to vital organs.
  • In many parts of the world, the parasites have developed resistance to a number of malaria medicines.
  • Key interventions to control malaria include: prompt and effective treatment with artemisinin-based combination therapies; use of insecticidal nets by people at risk; and indoor residual spraying with insecticide to control the vector mosquitoes.

What is Chikungunya fever and how can it be cured?

  • Chikungunya (also called chikungunya virus disease or chikungunya fever), in Swahili, means “that which contorts or bends up”. This refers to the contorted (or stooped) posture of patients who are afflicted with the severe joint pain (arthritis) which is the most common feature of the disease.
  • It is a viral illness that is spread by the bite of infected mosquitoes.
  • Chikungunya usually starts suddenly with fever, chills, headache, nausea, vomiting, joint pain, and rash.
  • Frequently, the infection causes no symptoms, especially in children.
  • While recovery from chikungunya is the expected outcome, convalescence can be prolonged and persistent joint pain may require analgesic (pain medication) and long-term anti-inflammatory therapy.
  • Lastly, infection appears to confer lasting immunity.

How is Chikungunya spread and is it contagious?

  • Chikungunya is spread by the bite of an Aedes mosquito, primarily Aedes aegypti.
  • Humans are thought to be the major source, or reservoir, of chikungunya virus for mosquitoes.
  • Therefore, the mosquito usually transmits the disease by biting an infected person and then biting someone else.
  • An infected person cannot spread the infection directly to other persons (i.e. it is not a contagious disease).
  • Aedes aegypti mosquitoes bite during the day time.

What is the treatment for Chikungunya?

  • There is no specific treatment for chikungunya.
  • Supportive therapy that helps ease symptoms, such as administration of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and getting plenty of rest, may be beneficial.
  • Infected persons should be isolated from mosquitoes in as much as possible in order to avoid transmission of infection to other people.

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You might be under lockdown but disease-causing mosquitoes are not! Odomos guarantees 100% protection from dengue mosquitoes. #StayHome #StaySafe
