Prevent & Treat Dengue with These Home Remedies

Monsoons are the most exciting times to enjoy your surroundings but it can be equally frightening too. Whether you are inside or outsideyour house, Dengue can infect you and leave you with only painful memories of the season.

This deadly mosquito-borne disease, dengue is caused by the bite of a female mosquito during the daytime. Also known as the ‘break bone fever’ as it causes pain that is similar to breaking of bones, the carrier of dengue virus is mostly found in the tropical regions.

How to fight Dengue?

Signs and symptoms of Dengue

How can dengue be cured?

Home Remedies for Dengue

What are the preventive measures for Dengue?

How to Fight Dengue?

Prevention of Dengue has always been better than finding its cure because there’s no effective vaccine against the disease. And you can always control or prevent the dengue from spreading by following these easy methods in your day to day life.

  1. Do not leave your water storage tanks open even if you are in a hurry for your office or catch the last bus.

  2. Your plants don’t need excess water, as the stagnant water will become a breeding ground for the mosquitoes.

  3. Dry out the cooler regularly to avoid mosquitoes to lay their eggs in them.

  4. Don’t forget to apply mosquito repellent or mosquito spray like Odomos on the exposed areas, both during day and night.

  5. Always check your surroundings for stagnant water in tiers and dustbins after rainfall.

Signs and Symptoms of Dengue

This mosquito-borne disease has become a common phenomenon in the urban as well as the rural parts of developing nations. While the dengue virus carried by the ‘Aedesaegypti’ Mosquito is treatable with proper medical care, it can be incurable if left untreated. One must seek medical assistance if he/she witnesses the early symptoms of dengue. People suffering from this viral disease usually have the following symptoms.

  1. High Fever
  2. Headache
  3. Nausea
  4. Vomiting
  5. Pain behind the eyes
  6. Swollen glands
  7. Rash
  1. High Fever

    Fever is the main symptom of dengue caused by the virus. It has no specific medicine to get treated. It lasts for at least 1-2 weeks.

  2. Headache

    The early symptoms begin with a severe headache. The centre point of pain is mostly in the forehead and moving of eyes can be extremely painful too.

  3. Nausea

    There’s a strong feeling of dislike or disgust in the patient followed by an intense discomfort in the stomach.

  4. Vomiting

    The victim of the dengue virus suffers from a discomforting urge of persistent vomit.

  5. Pain behind the eyes

    There’s an indescribable pain behind the eyes and victim finds it difficult to move the eyes. This can be an easily recognizable symptom of dengue.

  6. Swollen glands

    Among the visible symptoms of dengue, swelling of glands or groin can be one of the signs of dengue.

  7. Rash

    It starts with a high fever that goes up to 105°F and persists for 4 to 7 days after being affected by the virus. The fever is followed by red rashes over the most part of the body.

Also Read: Common Monsoon Diseases

How Can Dengue be Cured?

This viral disease has no antiviral treatment available currently, however, with the development of medical science in recent years, victims of dengue are easily cured with proper treatment and medical procedures at hospitals. Also, it’s a wise step to get admitted to a medical facility to restrict the spread of disease among their family members or friends.

  1. Supportive care in a hospital

    People suffering from severe effects must seek admission at their nearest hospital. Not only the sufferer and his family will get elaborate information about dengue, he/she will be under continuous observation and medications.

  2. Intravenous (IV) fluid and electrolyte replacement

    The Dengue Shock Syndrome causes severe abdominal pain, bleeding and circulatory collapse, accompanied by blueness around the mouth, blood in the stool, spots of blood in the skin, spitting up of blood, bleeding gums and bleeding of the nose. The affected should be rushed to the intensive care unit for a central intravenous line for volume replacement.

  3. Blood pressure monitoring

    Monitoring the blood pressure is an intensive part of the treatment as it provides an accurate information about the pressure of blood in arteries.

  4. Transfusion to replace blood loss

    This process is required under three conditions: -

    • Excessive destruction of red blood cells
    • Excessive blood loss
    • Inadequate production of red blood cells.

Home Remedies for Dengue

There are many types of Mosquito Home remedies available to choose from when it comes to home remedies. They have been into tradition for years and is easily accessible to many. Though these remedies are only useful in curing the disease at its initial stage, you must know about some for an early rescue. You can also use Odomos natural mosquito repellent cream or mosquito repellent gel for protection from mosquitoes.

  1. Giloy
  2. Papaya Leaves
  3. Fenugreek Leaves
  4. Goldenseal
  5. Neem Leaves
  6. Basil Leaves
  1. Giloy

    This magical herb helps patient in maintaining the metabolic rate and improving the immune system. You can simply boil its stem and drink it as an herbal drink or can even add Tulsi leaves in it.

  2. Papaya Leaves

    • It is known as one of the most important remedies for fighting the dengue fever as it shows immediate effects. Nutrients such as vitamin C aids to stimulate immunity and helps in increasing the platelets count and antioxidants in body. The leaves also help in removing toxins from the body.
    • To make juice from papaya leaves, simply cut the leaves and soak it in cold water. Grind the leaves and drink it four times in a day.
    • Drinking the juice of papaya leaves must be avoided during pregnancy.
  3. Fenugreek Leaves

    • These leaves help in reducing fever and minimizing the pain.
    • They can be soaked into water and then blended to make juice out of it.
    • You can also add methi powder into the juice.
  4. Goldenseal

    This North American herb help in headaches, nausea and fever with an antiviral property to fight against dengue fever.

  5. Neem Leaves

    • It has always been famous for its bacterial properties but apart from that, neem leaves also help in improving the blood platelet count. Continuous use of it helps in enhancing immunity.
    • Soak fresh neem leaves in cold water, filter them and drink it four times a day.
    • Drinking of this juice must be avoided during pregnancy and diabetes.
  6. Basil Leaves

    • These leaves have antibacterial properties and promote good circulation as it helps in releasing sweat.
    • Boil 10 to 15 Basil leaves in water, cool it and drink the basil water for at least 2 to 3 times in a day.
    • Avoid this mixture if you are suffering from low blood pressure.

What are the Preventive Measures for Dengue?

Fighting this disease has always been a painful affair and one must prevent himself/herself from falling prey to it. There are many preventive measures to keep dengue at bay. These involve daily practices and precautions that can be taken to stop from spreading or growing of mosquitoes in your locality.

  1. Use mosquito repellants: You must apply mosquito repellants or mosquito repellent lotion , like Odomos on your body during the day and night on a regular basis.
  2. Wear longsleeved shirts and long pants to cover your skin or apply mosquito repellent cream . In this way, you can roam freely around your locality. You can always prefer light colored clothing against the dark colors as the mosquitoes are less attracted towards it.
  3. Keep the windows and door screens secure and free of holes. In this way, you can prevent the mosquitoes from coming in contact with you. It’s always advisable to shut the doors and windows after rain if you’re staying in a congested area.
  4. One of the natural ways to prevent mosquitoes from entering your house is to plant tulsi or eucalyptus near the window. Tulsi has been extremely effective in killing larvae of a mosquito according to the Parasitology Research Journal.
  5. Disposing of solid waste properly: Waste management has been one of the most important preventive measures for keeping the spread of dengue virus in check.Always clean the dustbins on a daily basis and don’t let dirt get collected at a space for many days. Solid waste management also offers solutions for recycling of items that do not belong to dustbin or trash. It is all about converting waste material into useful products. Improper disposal of solid waste results into unsanitary conditions that can lead to pollution of surroundings and ultimately giving rise to vectorborne diseases.
  6. Avoid scents: Mosquitoes are easily attracted to perfume and sweat as bees to pollen. Always take a shower to get rid of the sweat and use unscented creams and shampoo for your daily use if you stay in a tropical area. You must always use Odomos mosquito repellent spray to get rid of these deadly creatures.
  7. Stay away from heavily populated residential areas: An extremely populated area increases the chance of getting infected with this waterborne disease (dengue).

Odomos is a highly recommended product that provides you 99.9% protection from all kinds of mosquitoes . And it offers a wide variety of options to choose from as it is available in cream, spray, wristband, gel, patches and roll on, it is easy to carry for all day protection.

Also learn more about home remedies for malaria , chikungunya home remedies & list of monsoon diseases on Odomos Blog.

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You might be under lockdown but disease-causing mosquitoes are not! Odomos guarantees 100% protection from dengue mosquitoes. #StayHome #StaySafe
