Why Do Mosquito Bites Itch?

Mosquitoes are never good news! They bite you; they suck your blood and then leave you feeling sick. But ever wondered why do mosquito bites itch so much? Here’s the answer…


The science behind itchiness occurring from mosquito bites

Irrespective of whatsoever kinds of mosquitoes that bites you or the kind of virus a mosquito carries inside it, the common thing about any mosquito bite is that it does itch badly. When a mosquito bites you, it draws the blood out of your body using its straw like mouth, which is also known as proboscis.

What can a mosquito bite do to you?

When a mosquito bites you, it just doesn’t end there. Though almost everyone gets bitten by a mosquito but the reaction the bite would leave on their body would always differ. At times, a person bitten by a mosquito would have no reaction in the body because maybe his body has not been able to formulate a response to it. Some may not even notice the bite at all as a result of building immunity against it over a period of time. But then there are also people who not only get a reaction on their body but even contact diseases like malaria, chikunguniya, dengue and Japanese encephalitis among others.To protect yourself from mosquito bites in the first place, apply a thin layer of Odomosmosquito repellent cream ormosquito repellent lotion.

What to do when mosquito bites?

Once a mosquito bites, the affected area swells up, becomes red and starts to itch. Chances are the irritation in the area will compel you to persistently scratch it and break the skin. This in turn results in dirt depositing in the area, which eventually causes bacterial infection. So, before the situation gets out-of-hand, take corrective measures and not let a small mosquito bite become cause of your ill health. To not get affected by deadly diseases like malaria & chikungunya, check out some home remedies for malaria & chikungunya home remedies.

Next time when a mosquito bites you, here’s what you need to do:

  1. Clean the affected area with alcohol:

    Alcohol has antibacterial properties and rubbing it gently on the affected area with the help of cotton can provide a cooling effect. But remember not to go overboard with its application as it can cause dryness and irritation in skin.

  2. Apply honey:

    Enriched with antibacterial, antifungal & antiseptic properties and as a high source of antioxidants, honey helps in healing wounds. Its application will aid in reducing inflammation in the affected area and prevent the infection from spreading further.
    Also Read: Home Remedies for Mosquito Bites

  3. Rub Tulsi:

    Tulsi or basil has compounds that help get rid of itching or any other kind of irritation from the skin. You can make your own tulsi rub by boiling 2 cups of water with ½ cup of dried tulsi leaves. Once the water cools down. Apply it on the affected area with the help of a cotton ball.


They say prevention is always better than cure. Therefore, we recommend you to apply amosquito repellent gel before stepping out of the house during the peak mosquito season. It will not only keep you protected against mosquito bite but also prevent the mosquitoes from coming near you. A natural and skin-friendly mosquito repellent like Odomos not only offers 99.9% protection against mosquito bites but is also made with herbs and ingredients that are easily absorbed by skin. It smells great, is chemical free, safe for application on children and is available in easy to apply and carry formats like gels, spray and wrist bands.

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